Friday, 1 July 2011

Doc Ford

When my father-in-law knew I was heading back to the States he requested some new books.  While on Sanibel we introduced him to Doc Ford's Rum bar and grille.  The restaraunt was inspired by the characters of the novels of Randy Wayne White. 

Dead Silence - Author Randy Wayne White
The latest Doc Ford Novel

Doc Ford is a former government agent who wants to enjoy the pace of life on Sanibel Island while working as a marine biologist. Unfortunately drama and the job follow him there and take him on dangerous and exciting excursions.

I have read 2 books so far, 10,000 Islands and Tampa Burn and I have raced through each one reading them in less than 2 days.  I was on vacation, which makes it ok to read for long periods of time through the day, however the action and the pace keep you eager to turn each page. 

While there are 18 books now and I have not read them in order, I have managed to keep up with the action and the characters.  I intend to go back and start reading from the beginning as my father-in-law has the first and fourth and I have ordered the second, third, and fifth.  We may be downloading a few to the ipad to keep my Doc Ford fix going if I continue to plow through the books at my current pace.  Otherwise, they will have to wait for our next trip to the States in November.

An added bonus to the books, I lived in Florida for 15 years and have been visiting for over 20.  I am familiar with a variety of the landmarks described in the books.  I can see the action unfolding in my back yard or a stretch of beach I have frequented.  Its like bringing Florida home with me. 

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