Thursday, 6 May 2010

Weekend in Scotland

Hello Everyone, we have been out of town for a few days and I am catching up to being home. Friday we had a wedding, then spent a long weekend in Scotland. The wedding was lovely, and I am getting to know more and more of my other half's friends. Hard to meet them all when you have lived 4000 miles apart for the bulk of your relationship lol. After the wedding we drove up to Loch of the Lowes. This place is listed as THE place to see ospreys in the UK. So we set off for a 4 hour drive to see some birds. Being from Florida, I was expecting a lot apparently. They had one osprey nest. The closest point was across the loch. If you were patient or lucky, you may see one of the birds coming in to change guard on egg duty, or the male would bring the female a fish from time to time. We only saw the osprey on the cctv cams back in the visitors center. According to the Scottish Wildlife Trust, you can watch the live cams from home on the computer, but I think you have to pay a "voluntary" fee. Every time I log in, osprey cams are stopped. :( After some disappointment, we headed south towards Edinburgh. We didn't want to go all the way into the city because rooms seemed hard to find online as it was a bank holiday weekend. We pulled up a map of Scotland and picked a city in close proximity on the water... and piked Kirkcaldy. We had a good walk along the coast and the walls of Ravenscraig's castle. The weather was much nicer than it was at the Loch of the Lowes. We walked as far as we could along the coast before coming into an industrial area, then up on the road into the town center for a very nice meal. We get so lucky when picking restaurants... we passed close to a dozen places and 4 Indian restaurants before picking one that we absolutely loved. (The only time we had bad luck with a restaurant was in China Town NYC... we were hungry and stopped at the first place we saw... packed and putting multiple parties at a table to get everyone in and out... and the food did not stand up to the crowd.. I think everyone was in our same predicament... hungry..., but I have digressed) After the meal, we walked back to our hotel. If we walked like this everyday, we would never have to worry about our weight! (over a mile just on the road straight back to the hotel, never mind the beach walking we had done earlier) The wedding party we were warned about at check in was in full swing when we returned to our room.. We were initially thinking how quiet it was, then the music started. The music as not bad, but the unattended children playing in the upstairs sitting room just outside our room however were bad. Maybe I should say cheeky and really quite naughty. They even tried to open our door at one point I think. Fortunately a parent did come and take them away (after 20 minutes of playing upstairs.) I was glad I did not have to go crash a wedding to get some sleep lol. Next stop, Edinburgh... it deserves a post to itself, so I will bring you Edinburgh tomorrow!

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